New Here

First, let me say we are starting a new prayer and deliverance ministry in the Bay Area because the vast majority of people in this community do not attend church on a given Sunday that devotes their time in worship and fervent prayers to the Almighty God. Prayer is a form of worshiping God. Our prayer can be a message to Him that we love Him and are thankful for everything He has done for us. Worship is, in its humblest form, revering God and recognizing all He has done. We worship God because He deserves to be worshiped. While you think about all He has done through His creation and salvation, God is revealed to be a very powerful and loving God, and through worship we can show our love and respect to Him. In reality, our existence, our ability to think, even our very ability to worship in the first place comes from Him.
According to the American Church Research Project, 80% of the San Francisco Bay Area resident stays home from church on a given Sunday. Maybe you are one of those people. Perhaps you have given up on church. You have attended church before and were not able to find a place, understand the message clearly, or connect with the people there.
Our desire is to be a place where the un-churched, the formerly churched, and those who are interested to learn more about God can connect with new friends, learn about God and His plan, and grow together spiritually.
The obvious question is, what kind of ministry is Upper Room Fire Prayer? Well, we are a praying and deliverance ministry, passionate about God and His plan for men and women. We will be a family of imperfect people seeking to learn and grow in our knowledge of God, one another, and His plan for ourselves and for the world.
We invite you to join us for worship and prayer meeting every Wednesday’s at 6:30p.m. and Sunday at 11:00a.m.
If you would like more information, feel free to contact us at
Feel free to browse around our web site and see how you can get plugged into Upper Room Fire Prayer.
New Here
New Here