[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”God desires to visit your life suddenly with an outpouring that will change everything in your life!”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_video][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Throughout this revealing course, Pastor Benny Hinn shares scriptures from throughout the Bible about the anointing and the results that believers can expect.
Join Pastor Benny for over 17 hours of intense, in-depth study in this new course!
Pastor Benny says,[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
“Jesus Christ Promised, ‘But Ye Shall Receive Power, After That The Holy Ghost Is Come Upon You: And Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me Both In Jerusalem, And In All Judaea, And In Samaria, And Unto The Uttermost Part Of The Earth’ (Acts 1:8). God Wants To Show Up In Your Life. It Is My Prayer That This School Of Ministry Teaching Will Change Your Life Forever.”
[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Course Summary:” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 1: The Purpose of Pentecost” style=”square”]
Lesson 1: The Purpose of Pentecost
In one of the most powerful teaching sessions in recent history, Pastor Benny Hinn asks, “What is the purpose of Pentecost? Why were we given the power of God? And what is behind that power?” He points to the rebellious nature of human flesh (the “old man”) that causes our problems and troubles, then he shares step-by-step answers that God provided at Pentecost. Learn the life-changing results of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, how to move into a greater dimension of God’s power, and what it means to walk in the Spirit. Pastor Benny Hinn said,
“God Sent The Holy Spirit On The Day Of Pentecost. Then, As Now, When A Believer Receives The Power Of The Holy Spirit, That Person Also Actually Tastes The Powers Of The World To Come. The Minute The Power Of God Comes On You, You Come Into Contact With The Power That Belongs To The Next Age. Yet That Power Is Available To You Today. I Pray That As You Go Through This Teaching And Receive This Power, You Will Understand The True Purpose Of Pentecost.”
Discover how to allow the supernatural to become natural in your life![/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 2: How to Prepare Your Life for a Fresh Baptism” style=”square”]
Lesson 2: How to Prepare Your Life for a Fresh Baptism
God desires to shower His blessings and pour His anointing upon you. But how do you prepare for that anointing and the life-changing effects that God’s touch will have on your life? Using illustrations from Scripture and personal experiences (including a powerful testimony from a Kathryn Kuhlman service in Pittsburgh not long after he became a believer), Pastor Benny Hinn shares specifically how to move into a vital relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit by introducing you to Almighty God’s presence and power. That anointing will help you understand the Bible more fully. It will help you learn to give yourself totally to God. It will help you to accept Him as your solution for failings, inadequacies, and sins. And the anointing will help you pray with boldness and effectiveness. God wants to walk and talk with you every day as He works through your life to draw others to His loving power.
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Lesson 3: The Presence of the Lord
Beginning with a study of the twelve names of God, Pastor Benny Hinn shares how the Lord wants to fellowship with you, to pour His anointing upon your life, and to bless you with the manifestation of His anointing. The anointing, the power to serve, is the result of God’s presence in your life. This anointing has specific results: you talk about Jesus; you have a hunger for the Bible; you desire to minister to the sick; you want to bring deliverance to the captives; God speaks the prophetic into your life; you have a desire to praise God; and God blesses you with prosperity. Pastor Benny Hinn says,
“The Anointing Is Already Upon You. You Are Anointed To Receive From God. And Once You Grasp What The Anointing Holds For You, Experiencing The Depth And Rich Reality Of God’s Supernatural Touch On Your Life, You Will Never Be The Same! As Pastor Benny Shares In This Remarkable Lesson, You Are Anointed With The Manifestations, Or Revelations, Of That Anointing, But Until You Step Out In Faith, You’ll Never See Him Move Mightily In Your Life!”
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Lesson 4: Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
God revealed Himself throughout the Bible in a number of ways. Continuing from lesson 3, Pastor Benny Hinn shares the seven revelations, or manifestations, of the Holy Spirit throughout the Word of God, including the Dove, breath, cherubs (four faces reveal the facets of Christ), the sword, the cloud, and fire. Pastor Benny explains,
“The New Testament In The Old Is Concealed, And The Old Testament In The New Is Revealed. God Desires For Each Manifestation To Draw You Into Understanding And Worship.”
Enter the pages of the Bible and begin to see how the historical sweep through the ages is a clear, cohesive picture of God’s love revealed to mankind, specifically in relation to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.[/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 5: The Fire of God” style=”square”]
Lesson 5: The Fire of God
Continuing from lessons 3 and 4 with his teaching on the manifestations, or revelations, of the Holy Spirit throughout God’s Word, Pastor Benny Hinn moves into the fire of God and how it changes everything. The purposes of fire in your life are many, and worship is a key. The psalmist wrote,
“Quicken Us, And We Will Call Upon Thy Name” (Psalm 80:18).
Hunger is the sign of life in a believer, and hunger is instrumental in worship. When He draws you to Him, to the fire, you must go through the process: The physical realm is the outer court. The soul realm is the Holy Place. But the spiritual realm is the Holy of Holies. It is where the flesh and soul are no longer in control. If you only experience the outer court and Holy Place, you will not understand what it means to enter the third realm: knocking. Get ready to discover the most amazing world of intimacy with God as you learn to knock on heaven’s door and discover the true purpose of worship.[/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 6: The Results of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit” style=”square”]Lesson 6: The Results of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The anointing on you is the overflow of the Messiah’s life into yours. Second Corinthians 1:21-22 affirms this:
“Now He Which Stablisheth Us With You In Christ, And Hath Anointed Us, Is God; Who Hath Also Sealed Us, And Given The Earnest Of The Spirit In Our Hearts.”
The anointing of the Spirit of God is a must in the life of every believer. Every work done without the Spirit of God and without the power of God is rejected. We must be anointed to be accepted. The anointing is upon every believer, according to the following scriptures: “Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God” (2 Corinthians 1:211), and “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him” (John 2:27). When the Holy Spirit moves into your life, everything changes.
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Lesson 7: The Voice of God
Pastor Benny Hinn teaches,
“The Longer I Live, The More I Realize That Discerning God’s Plan For Your Life Is Among The Most Critical Things You Can Discover. When You Learn To Discern His Voice And Listen To Him, He Will Lead You To The Right People, Right Places, Right Plan, And The Right Steps. And He Wants To Fulfill Your Dreams And Goals In Ways That May Surprise You.”
All we have, we have because of the anointing: “And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Behold, I also have given thee the charge of mine heave offerings of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel; unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance for ever” (Numbers 18:8). The anointing can increase on your life. God’s anointing multiplies itself and increases, as these scriptures testify: “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38); “When I washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil” Job 29:6). God promises rivers, not a river, of His power, and it all begins when you listen and obey the voice of God.
[/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 8: The Pot of Oil” style=”square”]Lesson 8: The Pot of Oil
In 2 Kings 4:1-7 we read a memorable account of a widow who stepped from disaster into God’s supernatural economy. Each step is a lesson for us today. The widow was in great distress. Her late husband had been in ministry with Elijah and Elisha, yet she fell on horrible times. She and her family were penniless, and creditors demanded payment. And as this financial catastrophe loomed over her, God heard the cry of this widow’s heart.
Pastor Benny Hinn explains,
“People Dislike Hard Places, Becoming Discouraged And Filled With Fear. But God Often Works Best When His Children Are In The Hardest Of Places. Those Desperate Situations Can Be The Beginning Of The Breakthrough To Blessings, For God Often Uses The Hard Places To Turn Everything Around. May The Principles In This Teaching Mark The Start Of A New Outpouring Of Miracles For You.”
Are you faced with impossible circumstances? Your life can be transformed!
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Lesson 9: How to Transfer the Anointing, Part 1
The anointing can be transferred—and it can be transferred by you and me. We must accept that we are vessels of God and be honored by this wonderful privilege. The Bible does not say that nothing is impossible to God but that nothing is impossible with God. Therefore, God is looking for vessels to use. But do not allow your vessel to be weakened. You cannot put new wine in old bottles. Make sure your vessel is fit for God’s use. The anointing is transferred in strength to the strong. God told Moses to give Him the best, not what was flawed. God’s abiding presence is for fellowship, yet His power is for service. The presence is given that we might know Him, while the power is given that others might know Him through us. The power is for service, not fellowship. The presence is for fellowship. The presence affects the human spirit; the power affects the human body, and it can be transferred.
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Lesson 10: How to Transfer the Anointing, Part 2
God’s anointing changes everything. A powerful image of the overflow of anointing is given in Isaiah:
“Then Shall The Lame Man Leap As An Hart, And The Tongue Of The Dumb Sing: For In The Wilderness Shall Waters Break Out, And Streams In The Desert. And The Parched Ground Shall Become A Pool, And The Thirsty Land Springs Of Water” (Isaiah 53:6-7).
But how do you receive this life-changing, supernatural flow of God’s anointing? In this three-part teaching, Pastor Benny Hinn explains how the word Christian means “anointed one.” The anointing flows from Jesus, and we can move into the overflow of anointing through the Word to saturate our life. The word translated “anoint” in the Bible means “to rub.” God actually rubs His power on your life and covers you with that power. It is a transfer of His anointing. And when God’s Word begins to cover and fill your life, the anointing starts to pour out. Discover for yourself what this overflow means as you begin to trust God for greater faith and miracle-working power. Are you hungry for God’s outpouring? Learn how to transfer that desire for anointing to others around you!
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Lesson 11: How to Guard the Anointing
The anointing of God is unspeakably precious and valuable. When we have the anointing, we must protect it. Talking about demons continually weakens the anointing upon our life.
“Dead Flies Cause The Ointment Of The Apothecary To Send Forth A Stinking Savour: So Doth A Little Folly Him That Is In Reputation For Wisdom And Honour” (Ecclesiastes 10:1).
Honoring the works of the enemy weakens our walk with the Lord, and, as a result, the anointing is lifted. Joshua 7–8 gives us a detailed account of Achan, the son of Carmi, who disobeyed the Lord and stole a Babylonian garment, some silver, and some gold. These items were forbidden by the Lord because they had been used in idol worship. By his act of rebellion, Achan brought a curse on Israel so that they were not winning their battles. Bringing objects which honor the enemy and rebelling against God’s Word will also cause God’s anointing to be lifted off an individual or group.
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Lesson 12: A New Anointing
“We Are Coming Into A New Season Of The Anointing, The Same Anointing We See In Elisha’s Life And In The Book Of Acts!”
Pastor Benny Hinn shares during this remarkable teaching session. One of the greatest examples in the Bible of the double-portion anointing was Elisha. After asking for a double portion of the anointing and receiving it as Elijah was taken, Elisha’s life was changed forever. Likewise, in Acts 4, Peter the apostle received a double portion of the Holy Spirit’s anointing. The second anointing brought such power that people were healed even as the apostle’s shadow would pass over them! Here Pastor Benny Hinn spotlights the new anointing by explaining what it is, why it is given, and what God requires for you to receive it. Are you ready to move into a new dimension of anointing? This is the revelation that will transform your life, as it has changed believers again and again throughout history. In the Bible God has also given us glimpses into the future. All that we do today is preparation for tomorrow and the coming new season.
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Lesson 13: Seven Results of Prayer
Since the beginning of Pastor Benny Hinn’s ministry, God has impressed on him over and over the need for prayer. Thankfully, God has also provided answers to those prayers. There are seven specific results that happen with a fervent prayer life: strength, beauty, separation, liberty, surrender, redemption, and revelation. With these seven results of prayer, you will have power! You will have victory! Throughout the Scriptures, many heroes of the faith prevail in prayer and are victorious over the Enemy. When the Lord spoke to Elijah, saying, “Go show thyself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth,” Elijah obeyed. But the answer to his prayer did not come until he prayed seven times. Persistent, fervent prayer brought the victory. It still does!
[/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 14: The Fellowship of the Mystery” style=”square”] Lesson 14: The Fellowship of the Mystery
Scripture tells us,
“A New Heart Also Will I Give You, And A New Spirit Will I Put Within You: And I Will Take Away The Stony Heart Out Of Your Flesh, And I Will Give You An Heart Of Flesh. And I Will Put My Spirit Within You, And Cause You To Walk In My Statutes, And Ye Shall Keep My Judgments, And Do Them” (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
God Almighty gave us these two promises: that He will quicken our spirit-man, and He will fill us with His Spirit. Each of us lives in a body and has a soul, but foremost each of us is a spirit. As believers, we must learn that God communicates with a person’s spirit, not the body or soul. This is a great mystery, but the fellowship of God with the spirit-man is a remarkable journey that can transform every area of your life.
[/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Lesson 15: Prayer That Gets Results” style=”square”] Lesson 15: Prayer That Gets Results
The Sermon on the Mount includes this great truth:
“Ask, And It Will Be Given To You; Seek And You Will Find; Knock, And It Will Be Opened To You. For Everyone Who Asks Receives, And He Who Seeks Finds, And To Him Who Knocks It Will He Opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).
In this landmark teaching, discover three life-changing realms of prayer: asking, seeking, and knocking; hindrances to effective prayer; and how to overcome the barriers to effective prayer. The atmosphere in the spiritual realm is changing. People of all ages are increasingly interested in how to effectively communicate with God. Discover how you can offer effective prayers! Pastor Benny Hinn says,
‘We Are Told, “Effectual Fervent Prayer Of A Righteous Man Availeth Much’ (James 5:16). God Almighty Wants To Birth Prayer In Your Heart. He Desires For You To Move Into An Entirely New Dimension Of Power And Authority.”
Effective prayers can be the secret to both survival and success for anyone who seeks to walk in faith, power, and unshakeable strength.
Enter the pages of the Bible as you move into a new dimension of God’s presence and power!