[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Explore treasure-laden scriptures!”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The apostle Paul exhorts believers to watchfulness and vigilance concerning the Holy Spirit’s anointing and empowerment:
“Praying Always With All Prayer And Supplication In The Spirit, And Watching Thereunto With All Perseverance And Supplication For All Saints” (Ephesians 6:18).
[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]In this landmark School of Ministry course, Pastor Benny Hinn shares the foundations for the anointed and empowered Christian faith.
Discover the absolute necessity for anointed and effective prayer through these foundational lessons—from praying in the Spirit to persevering prayer, entering His presence, worshiping in the Spirit, and priestly worship.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_video][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]
Join Pastor Benny for Over 14 Hours of Powerful, Spiritual Insight in This New Course!
Prayer must occupy the highest, most important place in your life. That happens when you come face to face with the Master and begin praying in the Spirit. Without an intimate, fresh relationship with our precious Lord Jesus, your prayers will be nothing but empty words. Empty prayers bring defeat. But when the presence of Jesus Christ becomes real and overwhelming to you, your prayers will bring power and boldness. Your life will never be the same! This series includes:
- Praying in the Spirit
- Persevering Prayer
- Prayer | Walking in the Spirit
- Authority of God’s Word
- How to Study the Bible
- Entering the Gate
- Inside the Gate
- The Way into the Holiest
- How to Enter into Worship
- Worship in the Holy of Holies
- Priestly Worship
Course Summary:
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Praying in the Spirit
The anointed and empowered life for any believer begins and ends with an intimate relationship with God. That relationship depends upon praying in unison with Him. When you pray in the Spirit, not only do you declare the sovereignty of God and your place as a believer, you also confess your needs to Him. This is called supplication. The Bible declares that when the Holy Spirit comes in you cry, “Abba, Father” (Romans 8:15). This means surrendering to His will and His way of living—giving control of your life to Him. It means crucifying your flesh.
As the Spirit of God comes in, He begins to remove your weakness. He roots out the barriers to a loving, close relationship with the Father. Then true prayer can begin to flow. When the Holy Ghost comes upon you, prayer in the Spirit begins, which leads you into His anointing and empowerment![/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Persevering Prayer” style=”square”]
Persevering Prayer
Paul the apostle, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, placed an incredible emphasis on the power of effective, persistent prayer. In this very special session, Pastor Benny Hinn urges:
We Must Seek The Lord Until We Find Him! Effective Prayer Unto God Is True Communion With Him. Praying With Perseverance Means That Every Part Of You Cries Out To God.”
Then, and only then, can we attain His promise:
“This Is The Confidence That We Have In Him, That, If We Ask Any Thing According To His Will, He Heareth Us: And If We Know That He Hears Us, Whatsoever We Ask, We Know That We Have The Petitions That We Desired Of Him” (1 John 5:14-15).
The secret of persevering prayer is constant intimacy with God![/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Prayer | Walking in the Spirit” style=”square”]
Prayer | Walking in the Spirit
What does it mean when the Bible promises, “All things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21). Too often we limit God, but the Holy Spirit wants to take what belongs to you—all things—and make them yours! God truly desires to reveal His heart to you and pour out Himself upon you. That means walking in the Spirit. It means close communion with Him. It means intimacy with Him.
In this session, Pastor Benny Hinn shares about a place where God begins to reveal Himself to you in a way that you have never seen before. Using candid examples from his own walk with God, Pastor Benny unveils how God created you for worship. He wants you to know Him deeper, but nothing will be given to you nor will anything be shown to you until you say “Yes!” to Him and mean it with all your heart. It means dying to your flesh. Then He will begin to draw you into His own blessed presence as you walk in the Spirit![/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Authority of God’s Word” style=”square”]
Authority of God’s Word
The Word tells us:
All Scripture Is Given By Inspiration Of God, And Is Profitable For Doctrine, For Reproof, For Correction, For Instruction In Righteousness: That The Man Of God May Be Perfect, Throughly Furnished Unto All Good Works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
During this life-changing session, Pastor Benny says:
“The Word Of God Is Not The Product Of Time, But Eternity. Both The Old And New Testaments Are Equal In Authority. The New Testament In The Old Testament Is Concealed; The Old Testament In The New Testament Is Revealed. The Bible Reveals The Bible. And The Word Of God Produces Faith. God Rewards Faith And Hunger With A Great Anointing Of Power And Authority.”
Discover that power and authority available to you![/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”How to Study the Bible” style=”square”]
How to Study the Bible
We are told:
Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet, And A Light Unto My Path” (Psalm 119:105).
This session features Pastor Benny Hinn’s teaching that has inspired multitudes around the globe to:
“Study To Shew Thyself Approved Unto God, A Workman That Needeth Not To Be Ashamed, Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
Learn the conditions you must meet to be able to understand God’s Word, as well as the practical steps to begin studying the Bible. He says:
“God Is Waiting To Unlock The Treasure House Of His Word For Every Believer. The Word Of God Produces Faith. God Rewards Faith And Hunger With A Great Anointing Of Power And Authority.”
This anointed teaching will help you understand and apply the Bible as never before, and as an added bonus, Pastor Benny shares his personal Bible marking color system!
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Entering The Gate
What a wonderful invitation given to us:
“Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving, And Into His Courts With Praise: Be Thankful Unto Him, And Bless His Name” (Psalm 100:4).”
As recorded in the Old Testament, God gave the Tabernacle as a road map into God’s presence for believers of all generations to come. The Tabernacle built in the wilderness was divided into three sections: the Outer Court with the Altar of Sacrifice and Laver, the Holy Place with the Lampstand, Table of Shewbread, and the Golden Altar of Incense, and the Holy of Holies with the Mercy Seat and Ark of the Covenant.
In this remarkable and anointed session, Pastor Benny uses the Tabernacle road map to outline the process for entering the gate with thanksgiving as we begin to move into the presence of the Lord.[/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”Inside The Gate” style=”square”]
Inside The Gate
The Tabernacle built in the wilderness was a remarkable pattern for entering into God’s presence—from the Outer Court to the Holy Place and inside the Holy of Holies. It directly relates to each of us as we move through the process from the flesh to the soul and spirit. Says Pastor Benny:
On this session, Pastor Benny begins teaching on the revelations that will bring us into God’s presence.
“You Can Enter God’s Presence As Your Soul Hungers And Thirsts For Him. The Outer Court Is Where Your Body Calls On The Lord. The Holy Place Is Where Your Soul Longs For The Lord. And The Holy Of Holies Is The Place Where Your Spirit Communes With The Lord. You Begin In The Outer Court By Making Your Requests Known Unto Him. You Enter Into The Holy Place Where Praise Erupts In Glory And You Begin Experiencing God’s Presence. Then You Move Into The Holy Of Holies Where True Communion Begins With The Lord!”
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The Way Into the Holiest
Pastor Benny Hinn continues teaching about the seven revelations that will bring you into God’s presence: the Gate, Brazen Altar, Bronze Laver, Golden Candlestick, Table of Shewbread, Golden Censor, and Ark of the Covenant. To move into the anointed and empowered life, you must follow God’s road map.
The Tabernacle is the road map God gave to show us how to enter the Holy of Holies. Worship in the holiest of places demands a relationship. However, most believers are still in the outer court. Only God’s anointing can get you inside the Holy of Holies. This session can have an incredible impact as you seek to know God intimately![/vc_toggle][vc_separator][vc_toggle title=”How to Enter Into Worship” style=”square”]
How to Enter Into Worship
Just as with the road map provided through the Tabernacle, the sacrifice of blood is crucial. Pastor Benny Hinn shares:
“There Is Power In The Blood! Today We Enter Into A Covenant Relationship Through The Blood That Christ Shed At Calvary. We Claim His Promises By The Blood. The Blood Brings Us Into Favor, Fellowship, And Acceptance With God.”
Using poignant personal examples, the internationally-known author of the best-selling book, Good Morning, Holy Spirit, offers this special teaching on intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He says:
“Our Lord Jesus Is Calling Each Of Us To A Much Deeper Walk With Him. He Wants A Greater Commitment To Seek Him With All Your Being.”
The anointed and empowered life means daily contact with God, and it begins through the knowledge of all that the blood of Jesus Christ provides!
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Worship in the Holy of Holies
God gave His only begotten Son, our precious Lord Jesus, to pour out His grace and love upon us. He desires communion with His children. He wants us to have close fellowship with Him. We know this because the entire Bible is a road map pointing us toward an intimate relationship between the Father and His children.
In this remarkable session, Pastor Benny Hinn reveals a precious teaching that points to this blood-bought, Genesis-to-Revelation road map. He says:
“This Is The Revelation That Transformed My Life! I Am Excited For You To Go Through This Teaching And For You To Enter Into The Most Holy Of Places As You Seek Him With Your Whole Heart! God Has Promised That As You Draw Near To Him, He Will Draw Near To You. He Has Given Us This Promise Throughout The Bible, Teaching Us How To Come Into His Presence. He Has Also Given Us Glimpses Into The Future, Showing Us The Difference Between Being In His Presence Or Away From Him Throughout All Eternity. May He Change Your Life Forever As You Learn How To Practice His Presence Today!”
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Priestly Worship
The Tabernacle is a road map for entering the presence of God. Each part of the Tabernacle was significant then, even as it continues to be for believers who want to live the anointed and empowered life today! The colors employed throughout the Tabernacle reveal much, as are the materials used.
God gave specific instructions and details for the construction of the Tabernacle, and on this final session of this course, Pastor Benny Hinn spotlights the revelations inherent in His design—down to each of the priests’ garments described in Exodus 28. Get ready for your life to change as you study these revelations that point to God’s own tributes and His desire for an intimate relationship with you!